Create memories that
will last a lifetime.
Pony rides for birthdays
and special events.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why should I book a party with Ready, Set, Ride!?
A. Ready, Set, Ride! is a family owned and operated business. This is not a “side business,” it is important to us and we are focused on success. We’ve been in business for over four years and have a reputation of providing a safe program with exceptional quality ponies that have been screened for their general health, temperament and appearance. It is important to note that our horses and ponies love interacting with people. The Ready, Set, Ride! team is reliable and courteous, and consists of experienced equestrians knowledgeable in training and handling ponies and horses of all sizes and breeds.
Q. Do you have insurance?
A. Ready, Set, Ride! carries full liability insurance, as is required by community/state festivals and events which hire us because of our good record and reliability. We have an excellent safety record.
Q. How much do you charge?
A. There are several factors to determining cost: location, number of ponies that are needed and how long we will be providing services, whether ponies will be hand-led or on a carousel, and theme. It is best to contact us to discuss pricing. We know that pony parties are an excellent value and always make everyone smile!
Q. What about safety?
A. Ready, Set, Ride! strives to minimize risk as much as possible and takes very seriously our responsibilities as a pony ride operator. There is an inherent risk recognized by equine law. We provide helmets, but it is up to the parent/guardian whether or not the child must wear one. We RECOMMEND closed toe shoes (we work to avoid it, but a foot can happend to be in the wrong place - - under a hoof). Children under 5 may not be able to hold on or may not understand the need, so we ask the parent/guardian to walk with them for safety.
Safety is also a concern for our ponies. We do not operate in an area where there may be fireworks; there is no hitting the ponies; riders are instructed to mount and dismount property; there is a pony rider weight limit of about 125 pounds. Horse rider weight limit of 250 pounds.
Q. What if it rains?
A. Rain is a challenge in the northwest, but we do our best to make sure your party stays on schedule. If you or Ready, Set, Ride! feels the threat of rain may be a problem, let’s discuss options the day before your party. If inclement weather prevents Ready, Set, Ride! from providing services, your deposit will be refunded, but weather rarely stops us! We've even done pony rides in garages.
Q. What size area/yard does Ready, Set, Ride! need?
A. Hand-led ponies do not require a large area, so even a small yard is OK, plus we can also use a driveway or quiet street. A pony carousel requires a large area, level ground, and easy access to operate. Preferably, a shady area in hot weather.
Q. When do you do hand-led versus a pony carousel?
A. Hand-led ponies give the rider more interaction with the pony. If space is limited, hand-led is a good option. A pony carousel is appropriate for a large party/event when several ponies are needed for several hours.
Q. Do you do adult parties?
A. We sure do. We have full size horses for adults to ride and have found it makes a great party. For many adults, it is their first time on a horse - - a very memorable experience.
Q. How many ponies are needed?
A. That depends on how many guests you have attending your party and how often you want them to ride. A general rule of thumb is that 1 pony can comfortably handle 10 guests. Let’s discuss your party requirements to come up with the best plan so everyone enjoys the event.
Q. When you leave, do you clean up?
A. Ready, Set, Ride! will clean up before we leave. Our goal is to leave your property as we found it on arrival. Some clients ask that we leave the pony manure for their garden; if requested, we are happy to do that.
Q. Are far will Ready, Set, Ride! travel for a party/event?
A. Generally, our service area is Oregon, Idaho and southern Washington. Give us a call if you’d like to discuss an event outside our normal area.